We are all looking for love. But where?

As a hypnotherapist, I’ve been working with clients all over the world, helping them find true love. No, I am not a match maker. Finding love is a journey that takes place within. We are love and loved, but we believe in a different reality so we can’t see or feel it.

From a young age we are hypnotized to believe we have to be perfect to find love. And to have a certain body, status and career to be important and worthy. Well, people who try that are always unhappy. If beauty and success made us happy then none of these people would come to my office, desperate to find love, to meet that person who will fulfill their unmet needs. They wouldn’t be looking to fill that void through food, alcohol and other unhealthy habits.

The classic mistake? Trying to make others love us, expecting them to make us feel lovable, worth loving, meeting our unmet needs, is a recipe for disaster. Because when you give somebody the job of making you feel lovable they can also take it away from you. And when they leave, you feel bad again.

The only person who can make you feel good about you is you. Fall in love with yourself first. The other person can only make you feel as lovable as you know you are. And being in love with yourself is a game changer. In the end of the day, “What is the longest relationship you are going to have in your life?” The relationship with yourself.


Through hypnosis we uncover these deep rooted beliefs that are stopping us from experiencing love, and often this happens in early childhood, observing our parents. Then we upgrade the subconscious mind with healthy beliefs and we attract love for the rest of our life.

Here’s what you can do at home:

  1. Get in a state of relaxation and write down your beliefs around love and relationships.

  2. Question them. How do I know this is 100% sure? When in my life did I decide to limit myself?

  3. Swap any false beliefs that narrow your perspective with new positive statements. A belief is simply something you keep thinking about. So you may as well think good thoughts.

  4. Imagine you have the ideal partner. What would they say to you? What is it that you long to hear? Say it to yourself.

  5. Experience how love feels by doing what you love. Realizing that it is a feeling within. Have fun falling in love with yourself, and notice the magic happen.


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